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Classification: Database
Publisher: Independent
Programmer: David Bouley
Year: 2019
Disk: GameLogger.D64


I've included a version of the program for both, the C64 and C128. Load 64GAME for the C64 version and 128GAME for the C128 version. Since writing this review, I've also added the ability to delete records from the database.


I've now included a version of the program for the C128 in 80 column mode. Load 1280GAME, which I have now added to the disk image. Also note that the program will automatically put the C128 in 80 column mode when you RUN it.

Well, I went and done it again; I gone and wrote another (probably only useful to me) program in BASIC for the C64, called 64GameLogger. The purpose of this program is to record gaming achievements and hi-scores for the video games you play, be it on the C64 or other gaming systems.

Granted, there are several such database services out there, which are much more sophisticated than my little program, like Backloggery and Retro Computer Scores Archive. I use and enjoy them, myself. I even have a hi-scores and achievement log on this very blog, here. But, I thought that it would be nice to have such a database for my C64. I mean, what would be more appropriate to use to record your C64 gaming exploits than the good ol' C64, itself?

So, I tried to make 64GameLogger as straight forward and easy to use as possible. The Main Menu presents you with five basic options: list your gaming log, add new records, edit exiting records, read the instructions I've provided, and save your changes to floppy disk.

In future versions, I would like to provide a way to delete records, but at the moment, I'm not sure of the best way to achieve this with the database as it is. But, I'll keep working at it.

Main Menu

When you want to look at your games listing, you have a few options available to you. You can see your entire list, or you can filter the list by game “status”. Let me elaborate more on the status types (at least as how I define them):

Game Status Description
Beaten Classifying a game as “beaten” means that you have successfully reached the end of the game, or have played and completed all levels that can be achieved.
Unbeaten These are games that you have yet to beat, as described above.
Hi-Score These are games that don't have an ending, but your goal is to continue playing as long as you can to achieve the highest score possible.

List Games

All Games

You can also “search” for a particular game, by typing in the game title that you've entered into the database. Make sure you type in the title exactly as it's recorded in the database, or you will be presented with a “record not found” message.

Adding and editing games in the database is pretty straight forward. You are prompted to enter game title, status, hi-score and a progress note. Use the progress note to record anything you might find useful; I use it to record the last level I reached in the game, or the skill level that I played (like Easy, Medium, or Hard).

Edit Game

Once you've entered all of your gaming data, the last step is to save the database to floppy disk. The information is stored in an SEQ file, called “GAMES” on the floppy disk. So, if you decide to copy 64GameLogger onto another disk, make sure you also copy the GAMES file.

And that's about it. In future updates, I'd like to add the ability to sort the games listing alphabetically. But, right now, be aware that there is no sorting capability. I still have to figure that little bit of information out and how to do it successfully within BASIC, using DIM arrays.

By the way, I've programmed 64GameLogger to store up to 200 records (300 for the C128). But, the number of games you will ultimately be able to store will depend on how much data (length of Title names and Progress Notes, etc) you store in each record. Your mileage will vary.

Hope you enjoy!

From the C128 version

40 Column Mode
80 Column Mode

Composed on my C128 using Archetype.

reviews/64gamelogger.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/09 12:45 by David